dried II fresh

I'm crackin' skulls

2003-04-22, 4:43 p.m.

I think I might have cracked my skull when I dropped that bottle of wine on my head last week. The knot is pretty much gone, but I still get sharp, shooting pains throughout the day, and the spot hurts too bad to touch it.

Naturally, of course, this only makes me want to touch it more - kind of like when you just HAVE to pick a scab - and I can feel some kind of ridge there. I'm not worried about it. Hell, I've had so many head injuries my poor noggin can apparently withstand anything. It just hurts is all.

I'm leaving to get my hair cut/colored in a few minutes. Spur-of-the-moment decision, but yesterday I started taking the scissors to my hair out of frustration, and that's never a good thing. If I'd cut my bangs any shorter, I would've looked like this:

Except, of course, without the boobs.

Wish me luck!

feeling... I think I'm late
listening to... strange condition -- pete yorn

dried II fresh
miss something?
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out of the loop - 2005-04-09
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