dried II fresh

hair and chicken

2003-04-23, 1:45 p.m.

Ergh. I feel like boiled ass today.

After sitting there for three HOURS (no lie!) getting my hair done yesterday, I called T. back at his hotel in Birmingham. He was drinking some wine with his dinner, so I figured "What the hell?" and poured myself a glass as well. Then another. Then another.

Having had no dinner, I got pretty loopy the longer we talked. I remember making some pretty snarky comments. Apparently I'm a little more bothered by the whole "married" thing than I let on when I'm sober. Heh.

So, yeah... my head is killing me. Crazzymum, got anymore of that fioricet? ;-)

Hmmm. I just got to the last couple of bites of a piece of chicken, and realized the inside wasn't even cooked. Thanks, Mr. Cafeteria Man. You're the best.

I missed Buffy last night because the damn hair guy took so long. Anybody catch it? (I know it sucks now, but there're only three or four episodes left - and TWoP doesn't have the recaplet up yet.

Anyone? Anyone?

This is too funny!

feeling... blech
listening to... just another -- pete yorn

dried II fresh
miss something?
goodbye my friend - 2005-04-29
out of the loop - 2005-04-09
a quest for clarity - part 1 - 2004-08-30
no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
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