dried II fresh

roasting the boss

2003-07-20, 4:36 p.m.

Yesterday I was surprised by a phone call from a girl I met at the all-couples, all-forty-something pool party I was at last weekend. She and I had talked for quite a bit, mostly about books, but she did say that she had a single brother-in-law who was about 29. Hey, never hurts to network.

So yesterday about 4pm, she calls - says she's at this pig roast and thought about me (no, I don't quite get the connection, but that's ok). I wasn't doing anything so I decided to head over, as it was actually only a couple of miles from where I live.

A few random observations from the evening:

1. "Pig Roast" is not the same thing as "A Barbeque". This is a very important distinction for anyone not expecting to see an 80lb pig flayed out, slit down its underbelly and staring at you with what's left of its melted away eyeballs.

2. New Jersians are obsessed with Bruce Springteen. Scary Obsessed. The dude is currently in the middle of a ten-show marathon here at Giants Stadium. TEN. I naively asked, "So, there are THAT many people who go to see him??" The reply, "Well, I'm going to three shows, and my buddy is going to all ten!!"

Ok... I get that Bruce is talented and all. And I do like some of his music. But to pay $75 bucks a pop for more than one concert??

Um, no.


3. As a rule, anyone who says that she has a cute brother-in-law is stretching the truth. Yes, the BIL in question was at the pig butchering, but there was, unfortunately, no love connection. He was a cool guy... very nice. Potentially a new friend even. But generally speaking, guys who have shaved their heads and grow soul-patch goatees don't really do it for me.

Again, for the record.... great guy. Just not my type.

I'm taking a break from civilization today. Three beer-drinking days in a row have taken a slight toll on me. And, for those of you that I happened to chat with after one of my "happy hours", heh... please don't hold anything I said against me.

And I really am a MUCH better speller.

feeling... these ramen noodles just aren't gonna cut it today
watching... stranger than fiction
wondering... why I've never heard of this movie before
(it's quite funny!)

dried II fresh
miss something?
goodbye my friend - 2005-04-29
out of the loop - 2005-04-09
a quest for clarity - part 1 - 2004-08-30
no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
slacker of the month - 2004-08-26