dried II fresh

random thoughts

2003-03-21, 6:46 p.m.

WOO HOO!!! Joy of joys, I just found out one of my project reviews has been pushed from Tuesday to next Friday. Halle-freakin-lujah! I still have to finish the presentation over the weekend, but at least I'll only have to psyche myself up for two presentations on Tues instead of three.

Plus, I'm traveling on Thursday and Friday, so my boss said he would do the presentation for me.

**doin the white-girl celebration dance**


I wish I could say I had big plans for the weekend, but alas it's just going to be me and the kitties. Plural. (Hee!) George's starting to get a little more life in her, and she doesn't feel quite as bony as she did on Sunday. She's so funny about eating, though. I leave a bowl of dry food out all day for both her and Sam, so it's not like she can't get something to eat, but any time I have a plate of food, or a bag of chips, ice cream, anything... man, she is all OVER it. She's quite the little scavenger now. I can't get mad at her though. This time last week I had pretty much given up hope of seeing her again, so I think she'll probably get away with a lot!

*sigh* It's so great to have her waiting at the door for me again when I get home.

I must, must, must finish unpacking boxes this weekend. I have no excuse this time... they've been sitting there since January. It's going to be raining, and there's absolutely *nothing* going on. Actually I think some of the boxes are from my *old* apartment, that were never unpacked! I'm thinking I probably don't need whatever's in there. I should probably just toss the whole thing and not even open it. Of course, that's never gonna happen, cause I'm the biggest sentimental packrat on the planet, and I might throw away those pictures of my mom's dog, that look just like those *other* pictures of my mom's dog, or something equally as important.

Just. Toss. It.

You can do it. Don't even open it. Nope! Don't go there. Because then you'll spend two hours sorting through junk, you'll maybe throw away one tenth of it, and you'll be stuck with "sorted" junk, and nowhere to put it.

Ugh. When I moved I went from two bedrooms to one, and now I have no extra drawers or closets to put "stuff". That is why I am *dreading* going through those boxes. But, in the end, it must be done.

I miss Desiree . She's been away for two weeks and hasn't updated her diary. Funny how you get so interested in someone else's life like that. Hey Des, if you read this, I hope you're having a great trip, and I hope your time apart has been helpful for you and Brian. Have a safe trip back!

Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend, and Erika and Nicole, I hope you both feel better soon!

feeling... ready for the weekend
listening to... Everlong -- Foo Fighters
praying for... everyone who has a loved one in the Gulf

dried II fresh
miss something?
goodbye my friend - 2005-04-29
out of the loop - 2005-04-09
a quest for clarity - part 1 - 2004-08-30
no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
slacker of the month - 2004-08-26