dried II fresh

my week at home

2003-04-16, 3:14 p.m.

So I got my taxes finished last night about 11pm, and Turbo Tax said "Screw you, P!", because I ended up paying about $150 more than it said I was supposed to when I did them in January. Oh well. I guess that's the interest I have to pay for my stupidity.

Obviously I didn't have to go to France this month, and I can't tell you how much *less* stressful the week has been. It's not that there have been less meetings. (We still did our monthly review today via videoconference, and had two project signoffs - Woo Hoo!!) It's just that the environment over there is so damn tense. You're jetlagged, you get into the office at 7am, and then we end up staying in meetings usually until on average 7pm.

Hell, John is still in a videoconference with some of them.... not too bad for him since it's only 3pm here, but it's already almost 9:30 over there. All I can say is God Bless the USA!!

With my new job, I won't be traveling as much internationally, but it will be a lot more travel within the states. (And unfortunately a lot more weekends.) Even though the transition technically doesn't take place until May 5, I'm already going to have to spend the last week in April in San Diego for a surgeon conference. I guess there could be worse places to have to go, it's just a long damn haul from New Jersey to San Diego, and I'll lose one of my Sundays.

Ok, waaaaaa. I guess I should quit bitching. I might as well get used to it, otherwise I might start losing readers. Heh.

feeling... a lot less pressure
listening to... Closer to Fine -- Indigo Girls

dried II fresh
miss something?
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out of the loop - 2005-04-09
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no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
slacker of the month - 2004-08-26