dried II fresh

ummm, what day is it again?

2003-04-15, 4:32 p.m.

Holy Moly. I just realized what today is.

I did my taxes this year the same time that I do them every year... the day my W2 comes in the mail. It has gotten so easy over the past few years, what with Turbo Tax and all. Simple simple simple.

And getting those refund checks in the mail? Nothing better! So naturally, the sooner I do my taxes, the sooner that check comes... no matter how much smaller it keeps getting each year.

Well, *this* year something interesting happened. The sonofabitch Turbo Tax said that I OWE money. INCONCEIVABLE.

So I erased it. Yep, I decided that Turbo Tax was wrong, and that I just needed to do it over in order to come up with a different answer. That was in January.

So... here I am. April 15, 2003 at 4:38pm, and I have yet to do my G*D* taxes.


feeling... like a big dope
listening to... We Haven't Turned Around -- Gomez

dried II fresh
miss something?
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out of the loop - 2005-04-09
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