dried II fresh

about last night

2003-03-10, 11:59 p.m.

So I definately didn't do *all* of those chores, (what was I thinkin?) but I got a good deal of them done... once I finally got up off my lazy ass. I boarded the plane today comfortable that if I die, I won't have family members discussing what a slob I am at my funeral.

Speaking of plane, I'm sitting in a hotel by the Detroit airport and, let me tell ya - I am *tired*. I barely slept at all last night... I don't know what it was, but I just lay there staring at the ceiling practically all night. I slept for about an hour on the plane, but it wasn't peaceful at all - what with our flight attendant, who apparently just learned English *last week*, feeling the need to talk to every passenger on board. Loudly.

[rant]I swear to God... it's a good thing those safety instructions are in the back seat pocket. Because in case of emergency? I couldn't tell you one friggin thing she said. Seriously. It was so bad that at first I thought it was a joke. I guess that's equal opportunity for ya. Who cares if everyone on board dies in a panic? At least she's got a job.[/rant]

Aaaanyway. So Mike called me this morning. I was at my house so I was able to talk to him, and I guess it went better than I expected. He asked me how I felt, and I said that I hadn't meant for any of that to happen, and that I was still glad that it didn't go any further.

He said that he was glad too. I think he thought a lot this weekend about what he could've done. He stated again that he had never done anything like that before, and I guess I believe him... but if it is true, then I *certainly* don't want to be the one to break his clean record.

The conversation was quite a bit awkward, but I guess that's to be expected. It did end better than it started out, at least. I think at some point we'll be back to being buddies... I hope so anyway.

Well I've got an early flight tomorrow, my emails are downloaded, so I'm hitting the hay. G'Night.

feeling... tuckered out
listening to... warning sign -- coldplay

dried II fresh
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