dried II fresh

going home

2003-04-14, 2:58 p.m.

This weekend I went into the city again with Kristine, this time driving in with her fiance Brad and one of his friends, John. It took all of 20 minutes in the car with John for me to whisper to her, "Do not under any circumstance try to set me up with this guy." She replied, "Oh, *hell* no. I wouldn't do that to you."

We went to a basketball game first because Brad got box seats from one of his vendors, and then we went into the city to meet up with some more sales reps who came in town. Brad got tired around midnight and wanted to leave, so Kristine told him and John to just go home and that we'd take the train home later. Something tells me he wasn't too thrilled with that proposal, but he agreed to it.

Around 2:30 we realized that we had missed the last train back for the night, so it was either stay there or pay about $100 for a taxi. I heard her call Brad (they live together) to tell him she was staying, and we ended up crashing with the reps at their hotel. And no... nothing happened with either of the reps (at least not with me).

On the train ride back Sunday morning, she was saying that she was pissed that Brad couldn't hang out for longer than that, and that from now on "we will just leave him at home". Hmmmm, sounds to me like they have a few issues to iron out before they get married. Obviously I'm not the best to give advice on relationships, but I wouldn't have wanted to be her that morning once she walked in their front door. I can't imagine that Brad didn't have his own reasons for being "pissed".

John announced my new job this morning in the marketing staff meeting. I saw a lot of confused looks around the table when he said that I would basically be doing both jobs until October. The change isn't even effective until May 2, but I'm already feeling the pressure of both positions because they want me to be involved in some critical decisions that are taking place right now for the new job.

I went in his office after the meeting and shut the door. He said, "You're not happy about this are you?"

"No. Not really."

I can tell he feels bad, but there's nothing he can do about it. He tried for two weeks to stop it from happening. I know I need to at least put forth an effort to make the change successful, but it sucks all the same.

Over the last week I started wondering what had happened to the seven POW's. Once the regime began completely slipping away, I found it difficult to believe that they were still being held somewhere. I really thought that they might never be found.

My heart goes out to those families that still have a loved one listed as MIA. Maybe these seven will be able to shed some light on what happened to them. I can't imagine having to wonder whether someone I loved was dead or alive somewhere.

I just found out that this is going to be a short work-week. Hooray!!

feeling... I need some chocolate
Listening to... Life in Mono -- Mono
praying for... humanitarian aid to be given to the Iraqi people soon

dried II fresh
miss something?
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out of the loop - 2005-04-09
a quest for clarity - part 1 - 2004-08-30
no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
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