dried II fresh

the squirrel boogie

2003-07-16, 12:06 p.m.

I was flying through the alley behind my office this morning, with the intent of sneaking in the back door (being 20 minutes late for work again). There are a bunch of dumpsters back there, and always big-ass freakin ravens - usually pecking at some nasty decaying thing or another.

I admit here and now that I, the self-professed animal lover, gunned it when I saw six or seven of them congregated in the middle of the alley.

"Ha! Fly, Birds of Death, FLY!!



Yes, folks... as the ravens took to flight, they revealed a tiny petrified squirrel knawing innocently on the remains of somebody's misplaced lunch.

But instead of just running away, the little fella went LEFT! - RIGHT! - no, wait.... LEFT!! - er, RIGHT!!!

God dammit MOVE!!!!

Of course, all of this happened in a matter of seconds, so there was nothing I could do except close my eyes tightly and hope that I didn't feel that tell-tale thump thump underneath my tires.

Luckily he chose to zig instead of zag just as I flew over him, so I avoided the guilt of having taken an innocent, fuzzy little squirrel out of this world.

Thanks little buddy! Good choice! But next time, pick a direction and STICK with it!!

feeling... my psycho company president's in the office today - meh!
listening to... gun --gus gus
someone got here by searching for... Scott Speedman July
(maybe it's him!)

dried II fresh
miss something?
goodbye my friend - 2005-04-29
out of the loop - 2005-04-09
a quest for clarity - part 1 - 2004-08-30
no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
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