dried II fresh

losing my mind

2003-07-30, 3:49 p.m.

Hoo boy.

I'm feeling a little better today.... I've done some Nancy Drewing, and it doesn't appear that it was my coworker that googled me last night. I got a friend to ask him which internet provider he recommends, because she's getting her first computer for her home. The one he says he uses was comcast, and the googler uses verizon.

Also, I realized that by luck, I misspelled the word he would be looking up anyway. You know the common little rodent that people keep in cages and that run around on wheels? I spelled it h*mpst*r instead of h*mst*r.


Apparently so do a lot of other people, but hopefully this guy is a little smarter than I.

Did ya see that? I said smarter than I.

I still can't quite believe that he wouldn't have jumped on the chance to check it out, but I did lock it quicker than you could say "I'm a nosy bastard". Maybe he saw the password protection and it discouraged him right away.

Now I have to decide whether to change my diary username or not. I don't mind staying locked for a few more days just in case, but I don't want to lock it indefinately. At some point I'll have to assume he's moved on about his business, or I'll need to change my diaryname for good.


What would the world be like without a wllybere? Not that it means a damn thing anyway. I could change it to wllybean, or wllyboob. Well, maybe not wllyboob.

Hey, maybe I could have a contest? Whoever comes up with the best username based on what you know about me, I could buy or extend your gold membership. How's THAT for a deal?

Have any of you had to change your name before, or know anyone who had to do this? Can you transfer your old entries over without copying and pasting each one?

For my piece of mind, that's probably the way I need to go. I didn't sleep at all, and my stomach feels like something crawled up in there and died.

You're welcome.

By the way, the people who are getting all bent out of shape because they click on a banner and it's locked? They need to relax. It's not like I did it on purpose.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this....

So remember the little iPAQ computer Carl convinced me to buy in May to keep up with my schedule better? As in... "two months ago" May? Well, it's gone. I lost it sometime about two weeks ago.

So on my way to Detroit I picked up another one in the airport, only this one I can't expense. I need it though, because now that he's gotten me used to it, I don't know my ass from a whole in the ground without it.

After the lab on Sunday, I was riding in the taxi with one of the surgeons and he asked me if I was free in a few weeks to meet with him again. I started looking at my schedule on the iPAQ, and it hit me.

Where's the box??

You know.... the box that contained the AC adapter, USB cable to synchronize it with, and the software CD?

You guessed it.


Probably left in in the cab that dropped us off at our hotel on Saturday. Conveniently enough though, I still have the cables from the first iPAQ I bought, so it all worked out in the end.

I swear, the quiz that says I'll die from forgetfulness is dead on.

Thanks, by the way, for hanging in there with me through all this password crap.

feeling... I wonder if I can get away with checking his history
listening to... it's no good --depeche mode

dried II fresh
miss something?
goodbye my friend - 2005-04-29
out of the loop - 2005-04-09
a quest for clarity - part 1 - 2004-08-30
no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
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