dried II fresh

a short trip

2003-05-14, 11:59 p.m.

As I type this, I'm officially on my way to Kiawah. I think we are somewhere over the Jersey Shore, on quite possibly the smallest plane known to mankind. I'm in a one-seater aisle, and Carl (my new boss) is sitting behind me sleeping.

Question: Do you recline your seat back, hit your boss in the knees, and wake his ass up? Or do you sit straight up for two hours, thereby allowing him to get some rest but at the expense of your own comfort? Thinking....

Yeah, I think I'm going with option two.

Grrrrr. G*D*M*F* seats don't recline.

Anyway, today's monthly review presentations went pretty well; at least it was somebody else this time getting their asses handed to them. I got off relatively easy. I also put together the powerpoint presentation that I'm supposed to give at the meeting tomorrow. I've been procrastinating for days, and so I finally had to throw it together today in like an hour. I think it'll turn out ok.... I know most of the surgeons that I'll be presenting to, and it should be pretty casual considering the location of the meeting.

Carl and I were talking about my schedule for the next few weeks, and I was getting dates confused regarding events/travel for my old job that I still have to do and events/travel for my new job. Normally I'm pretty organized about work, but here lately it's just too much to keep up with.

We passed a Staples store in the airport and he goes, "Why don't you stop and get one of those hp IPAQ's? I have one and it works great!" (It's one of those tiny electronic PDA devices, kind of like the older Palm Pilots.) "Go ahead.... just expense it when you get back."

Well shit, you didn't have to tell me twice. Twenty minutes later and I had a brand new IPAQ, that can sync up with all my contacts, email, spreadsheets, and presentations that I have on my laptop. SWEET!

And speaking of boinking, it's been six months to the day. Yes boys and girls, six months. What? We weren't speaking of boinking? *ahem*

Last summer I started seeing one of our engineers that lives in France. We flirted all summer, then ended up hooking up while I was there in October. When I went over there the next month, I made arrangements to stay over the weekend so that we could spend some time together.

I think it's better when I don't spend any time with someone. It seems to ruin everything. And I haven't been with anyone since.

I guess I could've continued to see him - hell, at least I'd be guaranteed to see him once a month - but it really wasn't worth the effort. He's a great guy, and he smells really good, but it wasn't that easy communicating. He speaks English pretty well, but I have a very dry sense of humor. And trying to get someone to laugh doesn't really work when you have to explain what you just said.

He is also my height, which will usually put a guy out of the running immediately. I need someone to be at least two or three inches taller than me, but he was so hot that I overlooked it this one time.

The main reason it wouldn't work though is because I am a very private person. Obviously I'm not very private here, but I don't like people that I have to work with on a daily basis being all up in my shit.

For example, in November when I was in France, I rode with Michel (my Frenchman) to a restaurant that everybody was meeting at. Just that simple act sent everybody's tongues a waggin'. "What's going on?" "What's up with you and Michel?" "Are you guys seeing each other?"

Ugh. It was so aggravating. I understand that there's going to be a double standard where I'm concerned. I'm one of (at the most) two females who travels with all of these guys, and the other girl is married. I sit in the monthly meeting, with 26 people seated around the boardroom table, and I am the only female. Everything I do stands out like a sore thumb.

I've worked this way for years, and I'm used to it. But unfortunately that means that I probably won't be able to incorporate any sort of personal life into my work life. I know that they're just teasing me and that they're only curious, but I like my privacy too much.

Update: I'm here at the resort, and I have a gorgeous two-bedroom condo overlooking a lake all to myself. The Hell??? This is awesome!!! If I can only get the weather to cooperate through tomorrow, I'll be golden!

We all just got back from the bar.... thank God everything closes here at 11:00! My presentation is at 8am, but I have to be there at 7am for breakfast schmoozing.

After the meeting I get to meet a Diaryland buddy! If you haven't checked out Heather's diary, do it now. She just changed her layout, and she has a gorgeous picture of her daughter Tara on there.

Ok, I have to get some sleep. Take care!

feeling... what time is it?

dried II fresh
miss something?
goodbye my friend - 2005-04-29
out of the loop - 2005-04-09
a quest for clarity - part 1 - 2004-08-30
no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
slacker of the month - 2004-08-26