dried II fresh

current events

2003-03-23, 7:37 p.m.

I really shouldn't be taking the time to write this, but I am really, really ... I guess "disturbed" is the word I'm looking for... by today's events.

Event the first. MORE accidental deaths. A car accident, friendly missile and gunfire, and yet *another* helicopter goes down. This just shouldn't be happening. It feels like a curse.

Event the second. I don't even know what to say about the American prisoners. I am so saddened by this, and all I can do is pray for them, pray for their families, and pray for the families of the Americans who were executed. Yes, I said executed. And hats off! to the US and British news stations for not showing the images of the soldiers who were captured and killed. I think it's sad and disgusting that not all of the so-called "civilized" countries have the same standards.

Event the third. Sgt. Asan Akbar has been identified as the soldier who (allegedly) hurled grenades into the tents of the 101st Airborne. Now, no "motive" has yet been discovered. My guess is that we never will have an answer to that question... since *clearly* there could be no political or religious reason that this man would betray his country or his comrades.

I would *like* to think that this man did neither intentionally. That for some reason, the stress of war caused something in him to SNAP, and (having gone temporarily insane) to begin lobbing grenades at his fellow soldiers. I really would like to think that. Because the alternative? Is just too fucked up for words.

Now, don't get me wrong... I feel VERY sorry for this man's mother. I'm sure that she is going through a very difficult time right now, and she has every right to defend him until there is absolute proof that he is guilty. However. It makes me sick to hear her say he is just being accused BECAUSE HE IS MUSLIM. Don't even GO there. He is being accused because he was missing when the attack occurred, because four grenades were unaccounted for from the pile of grenades he was guarding, and because he was found hiding like a girl in a bunker.

I really needed to get this off my chest. This whole thing is just so depressing, and I don't even have the words to say how scared I am for everyone over there, including the innocent Iraqi civilians who are being caught in the middle of this (some even being used as human shields). I just pray that this ends soon, and that everyone else comes home safely.

On a lighter note, I want to leave you with this entry from Evil-Edna. Seriously? This is one of the funniest damn things I've ever read. Hee!

Have a good week, and God Bless!

feeling... disturbed
watching... the mother of Joseph Hudson, Army Spc. (American POW)
praying for... God to give strength and wisdom to the captured American soldiers

dried II fresh
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