dried II fresh

an easter tradition

2003-04-20, 9:30 p.m.

Today is Easter. I spent the afternoon with the family that I rent my house from who live next door to me. They were very nice to invite me over to "Easter dinner" - I guess they figured that I wouldn't want to be alone on the holiday or something. The truth is, even though it was very nice and I had a good time, I probably would've preferred just to be by myself.

I spent the afternoon looking around at all the Easter decorations, baskets, candy, bunny cakes, etc.... and tried to remember my Easters growing up. Nothing really came to mind. I can vaguely remember my mom getting me and Michele (my older sister) some chocolates, and maybe a stuffed bunny or something. We never had Easter egg hunts, or a big family dinner. We would go to Church, in our new Sunday dresses, and then we would head to the Picadilly for a big Easter "feast".

I don't think that I felt like I was missing out on anything; I probably didn't even know any better. But it does make me a little envious when I watch families now as they make a big production out of the egg hunts.

A few years ago I went to Michele's house (albeit a little begrudgingly) because she invited me and my parents over for Easter dinner. Brian (my BIL) is in the military and had moved around for years, so this was the first year that they were in Memphis and we could all be together for a holiday. As she was fixing dinner, she asked Brian and me to go hide the eggs out in the yard. He was laughing at me because I was putting them in impossible-to-find places. He was like, "P. It's an Easter egg hunt. The kids are actually *supposed* to find the eggs!" Hell, I didn't know. I didn't even realize that the plastic ones were filled with little presents for them.... candy, even money! Cool.

I have to admit that I was simply amazed as I watched my neice and nephews hunt them down. It was one of the best times that I had with them.

I'm glad that my sister somehow learned about the sorts of things you are supposed to do as a family. I used to think that it was just a hoaky tradition, but now if I ever have a family of my own, an Easter egg hunt will definately happen every year. (And of course chocolate bunnies!)

feeling... hard to describe
listening to... green eyes -- coldplay

dried II fresh
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