dried II fresh

baby got back

2003-05-30, 1:59 p.m.

I'm taking the train down to Baltimore in a couple of hours. A few other people from the office are going as well, including Kristine - which is a good thing. We can get a separate car from everybody else and talk about them for hours. Hee. No, actually it's cool because we'll get a chance to go out for the first time in a while. We both have separate dinners planned with surgeons, but are going to meet up afterwards somewhere in B'more. Two of the local reps from that area are joining us as well. Good times!

Tomorrow morning will be the "fun" part. We're doing a clinical validation (for the new implants we're developing) on a cadaver. We'll need to be careful not to get too drunk tonight, because it is NO fun being around a cadaver when you are hungover. I've learned that lesson the hard way.

One of my favorite shows came on last night, The Amazing Race. If anybody else watches that, please let me know.... I'd love to discuss it with someone who cares, without boring everyone in here. (Yeah, because my diary is simply overflowing with visitors. Heh.)

If you've never seen it before, I HIGHLY recommend it. I started by reading the recaps at TWoP, and got completely hooked. They're sometimes even better than the actual show. If you missed it last night, here's a direct link to all of the recaps. Enjoy!

Oh, and if any of you care, my butt has gotten bigger. Not "her-ass-looks-fat-in-those-pants" big, but it's actually starting to look like, well.... a butt. It's very exciting for me. I don't know what has caused this metamorphosis, but I guess we'll see what happens. I'm assuming it's going to STOP getting bigger at some point. Heh - wouldn't that be funny? The Booty That Kept On Growing!!! (It really does need to stop growing soon, or my pants won't fit anymore.) Hmmmm.

Aaaanyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend!

feeling... I wish I had packed last night
listening to... delerium -- silence

dried II fresh
miss something?
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out of the loop - 2005-04-09
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no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
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