dried II fresh

procrastination. again. some more.

2004-07-27, 5:44 p.m.

I'm procrastinating on a three-page field bulletin that I have to finish by tomorrow morning. Actually, I told Ira, my manager since January, that I finished it on Friday, so I HAVE to finish it by the time he gets back from vacation tomorrow.

Have I even started it? Of course not.

The reason is because we have this stupid system where we can either write one page of information, or three. Some genius decided to go with mailing system where our printing service takes one full page of the bulletin to print each sales rep's mailing information.

Well, I don't HAVE three pages of information. I have about one and a half. But I can't just write one and a half, because that would leave an entirely blank page in the field bulletin.

And that would be tacky.

So now, instead of writing my one and a half pages of important information, I've been focused for over a week on what the hell kind of fluff I'm going to fill three pages with.

Wow, that is really sad.

I'll probably end up writing it at home before The Amazing Race comes on. (Oh my God... I have TOTALLY forgotten how to link something. But I can't go looking around in diaryland for instructions because I'm actually writing a field bulletin right now, not a journal entry. With me?)

Anyway, back to The Amazing Race.

You know how obsessed I was with this show last year, and well... that hasn't changed. Except now, I have Tivo, so I can watch the episodes over and over and over... and rewind... and slo-mo.... and pause right when Charla gets shocked by the electric fence. Heh!

MAN, that team is irritating as all hell. Especially Mirna. I hope Karma comes and takes a big chunk out of her whiny, "nobody-will-help-us-the-other-teams-are-disgusting" ass!

There aren't any teams that I'm gung-ho over, but I was starting to really like Marsha and Dad. Yes, I teared up at their exit speech. No, I'm not made of stone.

Teams that I definately DON'T want to win are Charla/Mirna, Kami/Karli, and Marshall/Lance.

Ah... Marshall and Lance. How I hate thee.

Ok, so I successfully navigated a "How to Link 101, You Idiot" without anyone busting me. This just makes me want to go and link more things.

But first, let me just say that I did my tri-weekly grocery shopping last night. I passed by the orange juice section and thought, "No, I think I bought some LAST time I was here. I'm sure it's still good".

When I got home, I did indeed find some orange juice. One - unopened, dated July 15th. One - unopened, dated May 31st. One - opened, dated March 30th. That's three cartons of orange juice, folks. And only one of them barely touched.

Why do I buy the stuff? So that I can have at least one healthy thing in my refrigerator.

What I didn't have when I got home, however, was the milk I bought. How do you lose a carton of milk?? Not that I would have drunk more than a glass of it anyway... but, still. It was on the receipt, and it irritated the crap out of me.

Ok, that stuff really isn't important and I do really need to start this bulletin. Before I go, however, I thought I'd leave you with some pictures from Bermuda. It was totally incredible there. I think it would be my favorite vacation spot if it wasn't so damn expensive.

I mostly hung out with Dr. C and his family, and Thomas (his sales rep). Dr. C and I became pretty tight in May when we went to Japan for eight days. Just the two of us. I don't think I've ever spent eight days alone with anyone, let alone a customer with an ego the size of Texas.

Well, I'll save some of those stories for later - the "relationship" started out pretty rocky to say the least - but suffice it to say that we now have a mutual respect for one another, and a growing friendship.

(He called me today to see if I was ok, because on Friday I "sounded upset". I wanted to say "Yes, because you're a psycho!" But instead, I realized that he means well, and that he can't help it if sometimes all of his synapses aren't firing correctly and he says things that make you insane. So, I just blamed it on a headache and let him play That Caring Guy.)

So, Bermuda.... this first picture was taken at the restaurant where we had dinner. I got to meet Dr. C's wife, and his three boys. (God bless her.)

This was our hotel's beach. There were some more rocks a little farther out that you could swim to and snorkel around. SO pretty, with clear blue water and pink sand.

This last picture is of my "crew" - Thomas and his wife, and my friend Rosemarie (Roe) who is one of the reps in NYC. She stayed an extra day with me over the 4th of July weekend. Nothing like a mini paid vacation!

Thomas is a blast because he's also originally from Memphis, so we have a lot in common. His wife is an absolute doll. And, he has to put up with Dr. C on a daily basis. You've got to have a SERIOUS sense of humor to do that.

Ok, it's now almost 6:00. And I've only written the title of my bulletin. I think it's going to be a long night.

feeling... sleepy. Like when I had a paper to write in college. Damn it.
listening to... wonderwall --ryan adams

dried II fresh
miss something?
goodbye my friend - 2005-04-29
out of the loop - 2005-04-09
a quest for clarity - part 1 - 2004-08-30
no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
slacker of the month - 2004-08-26