dried II fresh

I've been marked

2003-06-25, 11:32 a.m.

Last night I was making some changes to my profile - adding a couple of new favorites, adding/changing some quotes, etc - when all of a sudden over half of my favorites disappeared. After my initial freakout, I went back to "edit profile" and they were still in there, so I spent the next hour or so moving the names and quotes around trying to make them show back up. That only made more disappear. Grrrr.

I emailed Andrew, and like magic he replied this morning that it had been fixed. Thanks andrew!! You rock!

I started getting ready for bed, and my jammies were still lying on my bed from the night before. (I got this cute little jammy set for Christmas - pink & grey plaid jammy pants, and a grey tank top - so comfy!!) Anyway, I put the pants on and started looking around for the tank top but I couldn't find it.

"Bah, whatever... I've got to use the bathroom."

As I sat doing my business, I couldn't help but stare at the bathmat that was hanging over the tub in front of me. I thought about what a couple of people had said, that George was "marking her territory". Kinda sweet, but also kinda sick.

"We'll figure it out, won't we Georgie??"

As I turned around to flush the toilet, I couldn't quite comprehend what I was staring at.

My shirt.

In the toilet.

"What the...!?!"

I had just marked myself.

It took me a few minutes to actually figure out what to do next. I got a coathanger and lifted it out of the "water", and had to hold it over the bowl until it stopped draining enough for me to carry it over a towel to the washing machine. Both the towel and the shirt got scalded for three wash cycles.

Surprisingly enough, all I could do was laugh. I had handled more pee in the last few days than most people had handled in a.... ok, well I guess most people don't really have to handle pee, but you get the point.

As I wasted gallons of water washing my little grey tank top, I sat with Georgie and brushed her fur.

She looked at me as if to say, "See? It happens."

feeling... I love anonymity
traveling... to Buffalo for the night
listening to... strange condition --pete yorn

dried II fresh
miss something?
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out of the loop - 2005-04-09
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