dried II fresh

miracles do happen

2003-04-01, 9:54 p.m.

Wow! What a day. Such good news about the two journalists and the photographer that have been let go from Iraqi prison. I have to say that I'm very surprised that they just let them go. Pleasantly surprised. And also, Matthew McAllister is hot. Hey Matt? Call me!

Thank you, thank you, thank you God! Thank God we live in a country that would think one soldier's life is worth staging a massive rescue operation. And it worked! There's no news as of yet whether there were other MIA's being rescued, but they are reporting that the operation is "possibly still ongoing".

I can't imagine what that poor girl has gone through for the past nine days. It broke my heart when they found a female soldier's uniform the other day... I just assumed she was dead.

Well, a reporter just came on and reported that along with "the live POW", they have recovered at least 9 bodies. I can only assume that these are the rest of the 507th maintenance crew. I wonder why they were keeping Jessica alive? Well I guess it should be comforting to know that at least their families get to bury them at home, and they weren't left behind.

God, thank you for bringing Jessica safely home, and please be with the families of those who were found tonight.

To those of you who have left me emails and messages the past couple of days, thanks for your comments, and especially for not being judgemental. This situation is so new and so strange for me, and it's a little like it's happening to someone else. Since it doesn't seem like this is just going to go away, I hope you guys will hang in there with me, and be a "reality check" when it seems like I've crossed too far over to the dark side. =)

Last night Tom called me and we talked for about an hour. Every now and then he'd say, "Come on, let's go see a movie." And of course I'd say that it was too late, and we'd talk about something else. Finally around 9, he asked me if he could at least buy me dinner. *sigh*

I picked him up around 10, and we went and grabbed a bite to eat, and had a couple of beers. (Don't worry, I'm not hung over three days in a row!) Gah! I don't know what's going on. It was such a great night. We talked for hours, about anything and everything. But because of course I'm too worried of saying the wrong thing or seeming manipulative, I didn't push him about what his plans are. I did tell him that I needed to know that I wasn't just a convenience because he happens to be pissed off at his wife. Now, I know it's not like he's going to say, "Well, P, now that you mention it, you're right!" I guess I just need him to know that I'm not just going to jump into the deep end on this one.

I took him back to his hotel and we kissed for a little bit in the car, but I told him that I needed to go home. He called me several times today, and we talked for about two hours tonight while he was waiting at the airport. Who knows what's going to happen now? We're supposed to go on that trip to Alabama in a few weeks, so I'm going to spend the next couple of weeks over-analyzing the situation, and basically driving myself crazy.

He made comments on the phone tonight, mentioning future events with his family, like a trip to his in-laws in June. Now I know the last thing he needs when he's trying to figure things out is me jumping his ass and putting pressure on him. But he hasn't said anything else specifically about leaving, and I guess I'm just taking mental notes on every thing he says regarding his wife. I know, not a very healthy situation for me. I need to grow some balls and have a real conversation with him about what's going on, and what he thinks "we" are, or what he wants us to be.

I guess I at least owe myself that much.

Oh, and by the way... Erika? You suck! HEE!!

feeling... overjoyed that Jessica Lynch is home
watching... The Shield

dried II fresh
miss something?
goodbye my friend - 2005-04-29
out of the loop - 2005-04-09
a quest for clarity - part 1 - 2004-08-30
no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
slacker of the month - 2004-08-26