dried II fresh

the truth about comments

2003-03-01, 3:43 p.m.

Ok, so I wrote an entry yesterday called "Ode to Sam", which was basically the tale of how I came across my other kitty. I've spent so much time this week focused on George's disappearance, that I think I should be more fortunate that only one of them got out, and not both. I really don't know if I would've been able to handle that.

So, I wrote it in the form of a letter to Sam, and it was meant to be part humorous, part sweet. The result was somewhat different. Granted, it had its funny moments, but when I read it over again this morning I was like, "wow". I guess recent events have left me feeling somewhat sappier than normal, because I can see how someone could randomly come across that entry and wonder just how much I *love* my pets, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

However, immediately after I wrote it, I was feeling all proud of myself and somewhat relieved that I had finished it... for the *second* time - it was reeeaally long and I had lost it the first time when I went in search of a photo of my crazy kitty. So hours later, after I rewrote it and it finally posted, I got this "comment".

"Sam? What about Uncle Sam? May be you need do say this about George too, and from all movement You are in, whith the honesty you know, but we are not."

What does this mean? Uncle Sam? What movement am I in? Does this person think I'm referring to George Bush? Was my entry some sort of secret coorespondence detailing the movement of the war on terrorism?

I just don't get it. I laugh about this now, but when I received this last night I was BUMMED. Now, I realize that this is a new journal, and I don't have the traffic that I may, say, in a few months. And if I put up a comments section, and ask you what you think, I should be prepared for anything. I just need to get thicker skin.

So let this be my first lesson in putting my heart out there for the public to see. Because even though this was a really silly comment, some day I could get something that is really insulting. I just need to deal.

So, thank you pcorreia. You actually gave me the kick in the ass that I needed to get out of this monumental funk I am in. I will redo my entry about Sam, and I will follow the advice of Dr. Abby Barnes, "We can love our pets, we just can't LOVE our pets."

That is all.

feeling... silly
listening to...Ryan Adams - Gold

dried II fresh
miss something?
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out of the loop - 2005-04-09
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