dried II fresh

eeny meeny miny mo

2003-03-03, 7:49 p.m.

I've got so much going on at work right now that I'm starting to feel completely overwhelmed. A lot of these things should have been (at least partly) done last week, but I couldn't seem to concentrate too much... I just wanted to get home and look for George.

Now I've got a butt-load of deadlines all hitting at the same time, and to top it off I have three upcoming trips (all within a two-week period) that I have to get ready for.

I've got a meeting Thursday evening with a customer in Great Falls, MT. That's right, Montana. So for one evening of dinner and discussions, I will have to leave my house at 4am Thursday morning, because the only other flight from Newark to Montana doesn't get me in until 10:50pm. So it's either get up at the ass-crack of dawn and tool around in Montana all day, or waste my Wednesday as well. Not a choice.

And naturally because of the time difference and the crappy connections, I don't get back to Newark until 5pm Friday. So basically, my day? Gone. I *do* get to have my weekend at home, but then next week I get to do the same thing over again.

I leave Monday for a meeting that night in Detroit, then fly back home Tuesday morning. *However*, don't unpack your bags, ladies and germs, because I get to turn right back around and fly out that same night to France.

Now, every month I spend a week over at our corporate office in Bordeaux. I've been doing it since September now, and I've pretty much gotten used to it. I haven't, however, made the 9 hour trek over there after just getting back from another trip. Also, I leave Newark at 5pm Tuesday, but arrive in Bordeaux at 9am their time on Wednesday. So, if I'm lucky at all, I can get *maybe* 3 hours of sleep, then I get to go straight into the office on Wednesday to redo the crap-ass presentation I gave to the executive committee last Wednesday. No pressure.

I have NO idea how I'm going to get all of this done. I'm still at work and could *easily* stay here 24/7 for the next three days, and still not have everything finished. (Yeah, I know... then what am I doing writing this? Shut up. heh)

At least there's nothing on tv tonight. God, my life would get so much easier if these shows would just get cancelled already! (Thanks, Joss)!

Well, I guess I should be careful what I ask for. I would be really sad if alias was cancelled. Or Gilmore Girls. Or... oh, ok I take it back. At least Buffy has finally been put out to pasture, though, where it belongs. Talk about ruining a *great* show.

Ok, I'm heading home. Goodnight, Georgie, wherever you are.

feeling... flustered
listening to...each second tick by....tick tock tick tock

dried II fresh
miss something?
goodbye my friend - 2005-04-29
out of the loop - 2005-04-09
a quest for clarity - part 1 - 2004-08-30
no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
slacker of the month - 2004-08-26