dried II fresh

just breathe

2003-08-06, 10:36 a.m.

I'm sort of in panic mode right now.

I'm getting picked up for the airport in less than three hours, and I still have to shower, pack, and go into the office for a bit. I don't exactly know what my problem is, but it lies somewhere among procrastination, fear, and stupidity.

I'm sure I have no need to explain the procrastination or stupidity points, but the fear is coming from the fact that Friday will be my first official "advanced training" on a product and a kind of surgery that I MYSELF have just been trained on by Kristine this week. As in - up until last night, and we're still not quite finished.

Yes, my company has the tried and true philosophy of "Throw Them In The Deep End - They'll Either Sink Or Swim". And, while that is very true, people should remember that this is very similar to the method used at the Salem witch trials, resulting in some very dead non-witches.

My point? Who the hell knows? "Panic mode", remember?

Luckily my best friend here happens to be the engineer on the product, and she doesn't want either me or the product to look like shit. God Bless You, Kristine.

I also have another cadaver lab tomorrow with the pain-in-my-ass doctor in Houston, and it will be simulating a totally different kind of surgery which will be a real test of my OTHER product line(from the first job), which by the way, Mr. Vague is starting to get kind of frustrated that I'm even having to deal with. But then John says, "No, that was the deal - you 'help' us until we start manufacturing the launch quantities."

Hey, I just work here. You guys figure it out - I'll be over here in the corner, in the fetal position, sucking my thumb.

Ok, I'm not even sure what I'm talking about anymore. So, I'm going into the office to try to get some handouts printed, make sure my equipment shipped, and ignore the bitchy looks from the peanut gallery that thinks I've become a basket case.

I guess first I should shower.

Have a good week, I'll try to update from Houston.

ETA: I think I'm going to lock up again before I leave for the week... just in case Nosey Bastard takes the opportunity of me being gone to snoop some more. It will be the same password as last time, but if you need it again, drop me a note.

feeling... why do I do this every single time? WHHYYYYYY??
watching... my kitties .... they can tell that I'm leaving :-(

dried II fresh
miss something?
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out of the loop - 2005-04-09
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no plan for a sequel - 2004-08-27
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